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Posing Guide

Posing Guide

Instead of USD 79



Want to improve your wedding photography work?
Want to get more natural photos without completely improvising?
Would you like for the bride and groom to feel more comfortable in front of the camera?

Photographers often focus on the sharpness, the perfect focus, the lighting and other technical aspects, but what couples really want is for their wedding album to be magical and to show moments filled with emotions. This can only be achieved if the photos look natural and candid.



And for this you have to be very clear about what poses to get. As a wedding photographer it is part of the job to ensure the couple is perfectly positioned, that they look as natural as possible and that they feel very relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera. This won’t only allow you to get great poses but also to capture more intimate moments.

This is so important that all professional photographers always keep in mind what poses work for each event and situation.  You probably do too.

But what happens often? Well, it is possible you forget some wedding poses that you already know by heart, which results in nervousness, improvisations and unwanted results. That is why even with years of experience the best thing is to leave nothing to chance, and to prepare poses that always work.

Instead of USD 79



Clear and concise direction will give them security

This is where the Posing Guide for (more) Natural Posing comes in.

Written by Manuela and Martin, a happily married couple of photographers based in the Tyrolean Alps, this guide will become a great tool for you when doing wedding photoshoots. First, you can be more confident at the photoshoot, and thus focus on the technical aspects. You’ll always have at hand this Posing Guide that you can follow.

It’s a tool that will facilitate to achieve that desired intimacy and emotion. Why? Well, because you will show them what you want, they’ll see it by themselves, and it will be easier for them to understand what they can expect from your service. They can even guide you to see what they want. This guide can work very well to start a conversation and get to know your wedding couple better and help them be confident in front of the lens.



This Posing Guide also shows what poses work best according to size, height and type of wedding dress, so the bride and groom feel as comfortable as ever. It also includes small tips here and there to capture candid moments filled with raw intimacy.

If you ever run out of ideas or if you need some guide to photograph your couple, you can use this Posing Guide as a “cheat sheet.” You’d be surprised to know how many professional photographers use something similar when preparing (and during) shoots.

Get your Posing Guide and put your creativity to work

What do I get?

  • 48 page Posing Guide

  • – our posing tips in a beautifully designed PDF
  • – candid posing for every couple
  • – Does and dont`s for posing
  • Cheat Sheet

  • – overview of all poses in PDF and JPG format!
  • – key infos as reminders
  • – inspirations before a shooting or a wedding

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