You already have what you thought you were missing. Build your brand solely on your personality!

It’s a tough race to be ahead in a game that has increasingly large number of players. It is clear that there are a few basic paradigms that you must follow to up the game enough to stand equal with your contemporaries. But then, where to? Do you stay there or do you reach for more? If you aim for more, what is your approach? What will the couple think of you before hiring you? There are too many questions as to how to stay afloat in this vast wide market which has too many players.

You need to build a brand that sets you apart from everyone else. A brand is your face value and identity that keeps your reputation afloat. The things that you represent, the causes close to your heart, the methods you closely work with; these are all the things that build a brand. Your brand could simply be someone who exclusively does same-sex weddings or it could be extremely distinguished as someone who only does Disney themed weddings. But your exclusivity or inclusivity could become your brand. You aren’t just a wedding photographer. Who you are as an identity, matters a lot to people as a brand when it comes to wedding photography. The business runs on intimacy and understanding.

Some important questions that you should tackle:

What is your niche?

There is always room for surprise when it comes to people expecting the ones they’ve hired to only do their jobs. You could extend a hand and add a personal element to your way of doing things. You could add a picture of your favorite moment from the photo shoot and upload it on your well-informing portfolio on social media. You could send anniversary cards with discounts for future references. You could do anything that could make everyone immediately relate to you and spot your quirk.

Build your brand solelyon your personality!

What does your impression collection say?

What your clients feel about you says lots. Your portfolio and your presence both work hand in hand for the rapport you build with your client. First, you want them to relate to build the proper connection needed for mutual understanding. Next, how do they feel when they look for you or hire you? Do they feel luxurious? Do they feel bohemian? Do you they feel like professional models? It’s what your brand speaks about you is what makes you. A portfolio that speaks clearly is the first thing required. You could play with colors to speak in more tones to give an accommodative feeling to the clients.

Where to sell?

Knowing your market can soar your advertisement and increase your market value immediately. Of course Google ads and YouTube promotions take one far but what takes them farther is the marketing done to the right market. Once you figure out your market, you could research on the priorities of that market and then build on their similarities to get better and know better. The places they shop at, the themes they set up, the destinations they pick, the music they prefer, can all add to your personality as a wedding photographer that could appeal to their taste.

Wedding Photographer

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