Never lack inspirations on a blue day. There is always a last straw!

Is it a gloomy day? Or have you run out of inspirations? You do not need to feel like you’ve hit the bottom or the road doesn’t continue. Nobody is racing ahead. Everyone needs to take a pit stop and look for inspirations because one or the other day everyone runs a little bit blank. There is nothing wrong with that. There is a whole spiritual journey that if you wish to take might inspire you for an entire lifetime and you take that on your own. But then there are small days of inspiration where you need to take the available shortcuts and get back in the game.

Of course instagram follows the trends best but what you need to do is look deep and professionally!


The pictures uploaded here range wildly from professional to casual and catalog everything you might look for. There are many new things people try and put for validation in the sack of websites as such. It is the best way to sieve through the material and get to know perspectives from different people looking at most of the same things. It doesn’t particularly mean that you need to only look for wedding photography but what could also inspire are the other genres which may strike an inspiration in you that you could act out in the future because the client demands these days aren’t contained to the paradigms of wedding photography anyway!

What Pinterest provides you with is the list of interesting people that the people of your interest follow, giving you a deep dive into perspectives and understanding of your work from the vision of others. You can always pin down the ones you like and make your own personal albums.

Photography served from Behance

Here not only the photographers post but the editors and phot retouching freelancers also come to this platform to display their fine works. A picture goes through multiple stages to become a final product worth showing or selling. This application helps you view those structures innately and then get an inspiration that has an overall deeper understanding of the art. The mere work of retouch can layers and layers in a picture and may even become its most fascinating feature. You never know!

It has post-production specialists showing their expertise off on a public platform. Go check it out!


It is a fascinating concept where each week a photographer is interviewed but they aren’t allowed to answer the questions the verbal way. They are supposed to answer with pictures. They answer with a total of seven of their pictures which are supposed to represent their entire work by far. What this allows is the depth of the frame that you have clicked. It is made free of explanations to speak for itself without context and when things are approached without context, it takes the deepest corners of mind to attach the best one to it and everyone obviously has a different outlook which deepens your idea of looking at things in a very personalized way and not attaching any rules to it.

It’s time to now go and get inspired for a fresher tomorrow!

Wedding Photographer

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